I always lived alone with my dad because my mom passed away when I was four years old and nobody in my family ever wanted to take care of me. My dad found it very difficult to take care of me and go to work, so after school I used to go to swimming lessons by myself.

At age 15, I met at school a girl who hated me because I was completely against abortion. She would always say me: “That’s because they never raped you.” And I replied that even if someone did, I would never kill my son because he would not be to blame for that violent aggression.

One day, while waiting for the bus, she and her brother got me in a car and raped me. To be honest, this hasn’t caused me any permanent trauma, although that day I felt disgusting. But just in that moment. . . .

I told my dad what happened, and I still do not understand why, but he felt guilty for not being able to pick me up because of his work. He was not to blame because, truly, it was impossible for him to pick me up. He had to work because otherwise, we would not be able to eat.

We are from Croatia, although we now live in Argentina where life is easier for us. But in Croatia, everything was more complicated and I had to stop attending swim lessons after the rape.

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