SEOUL, South Korea — When it comes to human rights and religious freedom, North Korea is the worst of the worst.

For Christians, the price of belief in God could mean death. One human rights group is taking action with an unusual aerial offensive to encourage the country’s secret believers. Target: North Korea. Just before sunset, a vanload of undercover Christians from Seoul heads north. For their protection, CBN News concealed both their faces and names. “What we are doing could get us into trouble,” one Christian named “Peter” said. “We are going here some four miles from the North Korean border and close to the Demilitarized Zone,” he told CBN News.

The Demilitarized Zone, or DMZ, is one of the most heavily fortified and potentially dangerous places on earth. One million armed North Korean troops stand ready on their side of the DMZ; the South has just as many. One factor that could ruin the whole excursion — the weather. “One slight change in the wind direction could mess up the mission,” Peter said.

Peter dubbed the mission Operation Dandelion. “We started this project back in 1991, and just as a dandelion needs the wind to spread its seeds, we need the wind to spread the message,” Peter explained. That message is the Word of God printed in the Korean language on thousands of bright orange balloons.

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