Home Persecuted Christians

Persecuted Christians

Pakistan: abductor threatens parents of kidnapped Christian girl

“IF YOU DON’T STOP TRYING to find your daughter, we will accuse you of blasphemy.” That is the threat made by Abdul Jabbar to...

No Christians Allowed: Muslim UN Officials Block Syrian Christian Refugees from Getting Help

LONDON – Christian Syrian refugees have told CBN News that they have been blocked from getting help from the United Nations Refugee Agency, the...

U.S. Hostage’s Wife Makes Desperate Plea to His Captors

Els requested information after her husband did not appear in a recent 'proof of life' video released by Nusrat al-Islam.

Judge Orders Iranian Christians to Deny Christ

4 Christians have been given lengthy prison sentences for ‘acting against national security’ by ‘promoting Zionist Christianity'.

Israeli President Denounces Rising Christian Persecution

Rivlin refers to Christians as 'brothers' and tells them he is with them at this time.

Christian Missionaries Jailed in Iran

The four men were arrested in June last year after security agents raided a wedding party in Tehran.

Do You Know What’s Happening to Christians in the Middle East?

New "Faithkeepers" Film Raises Awareness of Horrors Faced by Christians and how you can "Be your brother's keeper"

The First Commandment Contradicts the Policy of China’s President Xi Jinping

Chinese authorities have ordered a church to remove the First Commandment from a display on the grounds that it contradicts the policy of China's...

Tribal Villagers in India Beat Christian Family, Destroy Food Supply

Not finding the Christian evangelist they planned to attack at home, worshippers of village deities in central-eastern India beat his mother, wife and 11-month-old...

North Korea: Dictatorial Regime Tortures Christian Orphans

If you're a Christian and you believe in God and not the dictator, that's a direct threat to the regime.