White teenage girl arrested for planning to attack predominantly black church: Ga. police

A 16-year-old girl was arrested by Georgia police for planning to violently attack a predominantly African-American congregation. The girl, who is white, had planned to...

What Are YOU Doing About Declining Evangelism in Your Church?

One person's enthusiasm to share the gospel with others, can turn a whole congregation around.

Marrying an Unbeliever Can Have Dire Consequences For Your Faith

When we unite ourselves, soul and body, with an unbeliever we risk becoming spiritually dead.

Get Grace in 30 Seconds

Watch this 30 second clip and understand what 'grace' really is.

‘Sad Day’ in Algeria as Officials Seal Buildings of Country’s Largest Churches

Authorities in Algeria on Wednesday (Oct. 16) closed the Tafath (Light) church building in Tizi-Ouzou, a day after sealing shut the country’s largest church...

‘Christianity is a Bed of Roses…’ and Other Lies Preachers Tell Us

How many people are discouraged and disillusioned when they discover that Christian life can be a bed of thorns at times?

Pastor With Gay Parents Speaks About Christian Approach to LGBT Community

"I was a teenager coming out as a Christian to my three (gay) parents"...

Justin Bieber’s Rockstar Pastors Are All Starting to Dress Like Him

Bieber's fashion and presence seems to be a great marketing tool for his "Instagram pastors"...

80,000 Participating Live at the Dallas Cowboys Stadium to Spread the Gospel

God has primarily chosen to reach nonbelievers through the verbal articulation of the Gospel.

Indian Pastors and Christians Beaten by Hindu Extremists Say, “Our Faith in Christ Multiplied!”

The Hindu extremists later posted a video of the attack on Facebook, but police have been afraid to act.