#MeToo : How to Protect our Kids from Pornography and Abuses

When Do You Start Talking Porn?

Trump, millions go to church online on National Day of Prayer amid coronavirus

Millions of Americans, including President Trump, attended religious services Sunday, not in person, but via screen as the nation grapples with social distancing and...

Reasons Why Not… Why Leaving is not the Best Option ?

“Your value is demonstrated [and] proven by the fact that God’s Son, Jesus thought you were worth dying for.

POWERFUL: Botham Jean’s Brother Forgives, Offers Christ, Hugs Officer Who Killed Him

The brother of a black man who was shot dead by a white Dallas Police officer who said she mistook the victim's apartment for...

Shocking Video: Woman Bloodies 79-Year-Old Man With Stiletto Heel For Preaching On The Subway

A 79-year-old man preaching from the Bible on a subway was left beaten and bloodied by a woman who allegedly attacked him with a...

Patriarch Kirill : Smartphones are Paving Way for the Antichrist

The Russian Orthodox patriarch has warned that the popularity of smartphones is paving the way for the coming of the Antichrist. In an interview on...

#MeToo in the churches : “I was wrong. The judgment of God has come”

The last few weeks have been excruciating for the Southern Baptist Convention and for the larger evangelical movement. It is as if bombs are...

Santa Fe Shooting : A Christian 15 Years Old Gave His Life For His...

According to the family’s pastor, Keenan Smith, the 15-year-old showed remarkable courage...

Wildfire smoke is becoming a nationwide health threat

The impacts of recent forest fires in California reach well beyond the burned areas. Smoke from the Camp Fire created hazardous air quality conditions...

‘I Only Kneel for One Person’: Georgia State Trooper Tells Protesters He Won’t Take...

A state trooper from Georgia — who happens to be black — refused to take a knee during a Black Lives Matter protest, telling...