Meet Brother Yun

Through imprisonment and brutal torture, Brother Yun's obedience to God brought miracles that only God could have orchestrated.

Joyce Mayor: “I was digging cigarette butts out of the trash”

Having trouble kicking your smoking habit? Here are some tips from Joyce Mayor that might help.

Lost in a Desert: What Depression Can Do to Your Marriage

Have you considered whether or not depression has been a secret part of your relationship struggles?

Study: Having Sex Might Deepen Men’s Spirituality

Can certain hormones make us more spiritual?

Mega Marital Mess: Rick and Kay Warren Fought Against the Odds

Kay says the pain they experienced in their marriage was exacerbated by the fact that they were seen as 'the perfect couple'.

Katy Perry is a Heartbreaker

This story carries a warning for parents: take heed before it’s too late!

50 Year Anniversary of Interracial Marriage

It has been legal for 50 years, yet for many, mixing races is not what God intended.

What Adam, Abraham and Noah Can Teach Us About Marriage

The patriarchs offer some interesting insight into the mystery of the marriage relationship.

Want to Find True Happiness? Cleanse Your Heart

It's important to understand the difference between happiness, holiness and joy.

He’s Tall, Dark and Handsome. But Can He Pray?

As well as handsome, there are a few other things that a women looks for in a Christian man.