‘Conquer Pornography’ Series Wins Award at Christian Film Festival

The Conquer Series is a powerful cinematic film series used by churches in over 60 countries to help men break free from pornography.

Hell is as Hot as Arizona, and Other Misconceptions…

Does anyone really know what Heaven and Hell are like? What does the Bible tell us?

Out of Order: Why Millennials Are Broke

55 % of Millennial parents have had children before getting married, compared to just 25 % of the youngest Baby Boomers who did the same.

After Black Friday’s and Cyber Monday’s Sales, Here’s How You Can Impact the World...

Dan Celia, president, and CEO of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries appeared on Monday afternoon's edition of CBN Newswatch to discuss Black Friday, Cyber Monday...

New Prosthetic Blade Allows Little Girl to Run Around With Her Friends

The new blade allows little Anu to run around and do street dancing with her friends.

Hi, I’m Sophie, and I Haven’t Taken a Selfie for 2 Weeks Now…

Addiction research supports that many people exhibit withdrawal symptoms from Smartphones similar to drug, alcohol and gambling withdrawal.

Everyone’s Having More Fun Than Me!

Social media is a place where you compare your everyday life with other people’s highlights. This isn’t a fair comparison!

Football: A Training Ground for More Than Just Sport

When a pastor became a football coach he never expected that it would help him to become a better pastor.

Conflict: The Key Ingredient for a Happy Marriage

Would you believe that conflict is what's needed to forge your marriage and make it stand the test of time?

Joyce Mayor: “I was digging cigarette butts out of the trash”

Having trouble kicking your smoking habit? Here are some tips from Joyce Mayor that might help.