Nabeel Qureshi: God Comforted Me Through Excruciating Pain
A 14 cm long stent dislodged itself from his stomach and got stuck in his throat, causing incredible pain.
Devastated Parents: “We Should Be Planning Charlie’s Birthday, Not His Funeral”
Would Charlie Gard have turned 1 year old on Friday if he had been allowed to have experimental treatment?
Weekly Bible Studies Are Taking Place in the U.S. House and Senate
The Health Secretary, Energy Secretary, Education Secretary, Agriculture Secretary, and CIA Director are just a few of the regulars.
Berlin: 1 Dead and 6 Injured in Knife Attack
Witnesses said they heard the assailant shout "Allahu akbar" (God is great) as he held up the knife.
Finland: Hundreds of Asylum Seekers Converting to Christ
Conversion from Islam is a divisive move not readily accepted by many traditional Muslim families; some are treated as 'infidels' by their families.
35 Years After His Death Keith Green Remains a Worship Leader
Though Christian music lost one of its most passionate and talented voices, the impact of Green's music lives on to this day.
Justin Bieber Hits Paparazzi With His Car After Leaving Church
Justin Bieber's response to this incident was very different from previous run-ins he's had with the police.
Mother of Bomb Victims Tells Murderers “I forgive you…”
Her 3 surviving children were badly injured, one of them has undergone surgery 17 times.
Baby Charlie Gard Dies in Hospice After Life Support Removed
Charlie's case created a heated international debate in the press and on social media. The world grieves with his parents.
Heavy Metal Star Gives His Life to Jesus
While some his fans don't like hearing him talk about his faith, others respect him for it.