Holocaust survivor, who forgave her Nazi captors for killing her family, receives Sachem Award

Some would say that what the Nazi's did to Eva and her twin sister Miriam and their family was unforgivable, but forgiveness is what has set Eva free.

Billy Graham’s Daughter warns: The U.S. desperately needs God but doesn’t seem to realize...

Lotz laments that many calls to repentance within the Church today produce more "rending of garments" than "rending of hearts" and are an "outward show to impress."

Sharp Differences: Trump and Pope to Meet in May

The pope says he will be "sincere" with the president and is willing to find common ground.

North Korea’s Unit 180: A Real and Dangerous Cyber Threat

North Korea is one of the most closed countries in the world and any details of its clandestine operations are difficult to obtain.

Man Gets a Car from God

It seems that God may have shares in the the Philippines car market.

ISIS Facing Major Defeat in Syria

As ISIS faces major setbacks in Syria and Iraq, the group is telling its followers not to give up.

Cop Hugs Man Who Threatened Him With a Knife

We see how compassion and a heart can turn situations around.

Christian Charity Helping Mosul’s Victims Rebuild Their Lives

'Tearfund' is working to provide humanitarian support to the thousands who have been affected.

Sunday School is Out for Children in China’s Zhejiang Province

Despite the ongoing persecution of Christians in China, the Gospel continues to spread at an unprecedented rate.

Tim Tebow Charity Turns Deformed Little Girl’s Life Around

The severe burns on her arms and back turned into hard, thick scars, leaving her deformed.