I’m writing, teaching, and thinking a lot more about leadership lately. In the last week, I’ve received three calls from people involving job changes due to poor leadership. Some are too ‘spiritual’ to talk about leadership principles, focusing instead on preaching, sacraments, the work of the Spirit, or whatever their tradition says they should look to instead. But throughout the Bible we see good leaders and bad ones and the impact of both. In this series, I hope to encourage you to be the kind of leader that, well, leads people to the things that matter most.

Jesus did not come to be your leadership guru. He came to die on the cross, for your sin, and in your place.

Yet, he did lead. And we can learn from how he led. If we look closely, we see that his leadership was wrapped in humility and servanthood. Even for those in high leadership positions, we all ultimately submit to one Person, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus also led perfectly. Now of course we are not perfect, but nonetheless Jesus’ model guides us towards towards more Spirit-led leadership that honors all those under our care. The more we follow Jesus, the more ‘perfect’ we can be in emulating and taking on the characteristics of a good leader. And when we lead like Jesus, we leave a legacy that is shaped around Jesus.

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