Children’s hospital study: Excessive screen time changes brains of kids
New research out of a prominent children's hospital in Ohio has found that too much time in front of digital screens fundamentally changes parts...
POWERFUL: Botham Jean’s Brother Forgives, Offers Christ, Hugs Officer Who Killed Him
The brother of a black man who was shot dead by a white Dallas Police officer who said she mistook the victim's apartment for...
Pornography is One of his Powerful Weapons to Destroy Marriages
Pornography use is not a harmless activity that only involves the person viewing the material. It impacts the man’s family, social life, employment, relationship...
Compassion : This Teacher’s Final Request Goes Viral
“The best teacher I’ve ever had,” one student wrote.
“I Flew Up into heaven… And Heaven is Stacked”… A Near Death Experience’s Story
He told the newspaper that he witnessed Jesus walking in a field during his eight-day coma.
A Former Victoria’s Secret Model Sacrificed a Successful Modeling Career to Follow Jesus
“I realized that being a model was truly not what it was cracked up to be.
Shocking Video : Don’t Forget to be a Good Samaritan !
If you watch the video closely, you will notice something glaringly obvious – not everyone stopped to help.
“Pam, you Must Forgive Yourself. To do Otherwise is Denying God’s Grace and Mercy”
Many believers encounter Jesus in dramatic fashion, and they are changed instantly, like Saul on the Damascus Road.
“Thorn in the Flesh”… What Does it Mean and Why ?
"God will allow our strength to be sacrificed so that we may experience His true and greater strength."
“I See God’s Glory Every Day” Declares a NASA Scientist
For more than a decade, NASA scientist Adam Szabo has been working on the $1.6-billion Parker Solar Probe mission. Szabo told CBN News, "I...