New Prosthetic Blade Allows Little Girl to Run Around With Her Friends

The new blade allows little Anu to run around and do street dancing with her friends.

5 Things to Do When You’re Treading on Dry Ground

Some important things to remember when you feel like there's nothing but dry land around you.

Cory Asbury: How God’s Reckless Love Helped Me Fight Pornography

I was introduced to pornography at an early age, probably around 12 or so. As I said, pornography was one of the ugly parts of...

Why Students Leave Christianity After High School

Christianity is not a fairytale. Its really true, and it’s past time we make sure the next generation knows it.

The Church: A Community That Helps to Fill the Holes in Our Lives

Today, nearly a quarter of all children grow up in a home with no father present.

Basil O’Connell Jones: An Extraordinary Journey

"I was shot through the head with an AK 47 assault rifle. The bullet went through both sides of my brain and I died."

Are You Imperfect? That’s Just What God is Looking For!

There are hundreds of examples in the Bible of God using the least likely people to say and do important things on His behalf.

‘Conquer Pornography’ Series Wins Award at Christian Film Festival

The Conquer Series is a powerful cinematic film series used by churches in over 60 countries to help men break free from pornography.

4 Pieces of Sound Advice For Those Starting Their 20s

From someone who's been there and done that.

ISIS Victims Aren’t Crying Over Spilt Milk

If God has blessed me with a family that is serving Him, then it's not just for my benefit.