Glorifying Suidice? “13 Reasons Why” Not To Take Your Life

Young Christian Girl speaks out about new Netflix show which appears to glorify suicide.

Richard Dawkins: “It’s important to know about the Bible”

Even this hard-line atheist admits that Christianity might be "a bulwark against something worse".

Do the Pews in Your Church Rattle? Or Are They Stagnantly Comfy?

The Church today is more comfy and segregated than ever, which is the opposite of what it should be!

Take Refuge Against the Rising Tide of Fake News

A few tips to help us dwell on "whatever is true..."

‘Abortion Doula’ – Can She Really Ease the Pain?

While an 'abortion doula' may help to appease the conscience for a moment, women are left with the scars for life.

Parents, is Technology in its Proper Place in Your Home?

Become tech-wise and make sure technology doesn't become a threat to family life.

US Company Becomes First in the Country to Microchip Employees

So far, 50 of the 85 employees have signed up for the chance to be chipped.

Stop Saying “Marriage is Hard”!

It's a given, known, indisputable fact... Or is it?

Wonder Women: “Only Love Will Truly Save the World”

Why it's nice to see a women play the hero, even a flawed one...

Sex With Robots: Taking the Man-Machine Relationship to Another Level

Any sexual activity that treats the other person as merely an object or a thing for only one's gratification is morally problematic.