Franklin Graham Didn’t Find Johnny Depp’s Joke Very Funny

In response, Graham encouraged people to pray for the protection of the countries leaders.

46% of Czechs Believe in “Nothing in Particular”

Study shows that since communism, the majority of Central and Eastern European nations have embraced religion.

Saving the Economy: Millenials vs. Baby Boomers

It seems that the millennials have understood that it's time to become serious about saving.

The Bible: A Mystery Until the Final Big ‘Reveal’

What does Jesus' execution mean for us today, and how does it explain the rest of the Bible?

‘1 in 5 Teens Are Active Christians’… Say What?

If it were true, we would see a much different picture in our youth groups today. So what's going on?

You’d Be Wise to Put Your Chips Down on Eternal Life

Remembered for his 'belief is a wise wager' theory, here are 9 more quotes from this inspirational man.

Richard Dawkins: “It’s important to know about the Bible”

Even this hard-line atheist admits that Christianity might be "a bulwark against something worse".

Give Your Lenses a Holy Tint

10 telltale signs you lack a biblical worldview and what to do about it.

The Transforming Power of Discipleship

Although women in Africa are hungry for this holistic discipleship, many of them don’t have access to it.

Preview of Steve McQueen Film Wows Christian Audience

Steve McQueen gave his life to Jesus just a few months before he died of cancer in 1980.