Home Lifestyle Basil O’Connell Jones: An Extraordinary Journey

Basil O’Connell Jones: An Extraordinary Journey


Basil O’Connell Jones: His Extraordinary Journey From War to Ministry, Through a Near-Death Experience

Basil’s extraordinary story of how he met Jesus was marked by a near-death experience. He was clinically dead for 28 minutes and it was this experience that moved him to seek for what there was after death; and since discovering it, he hasn’t stopped sharing it with people around him. Despite his disability and the challenges of life, Basil has served the Lord for many years with a continuous zeal to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Basil O’Connell Jones is an evangelist and he strongly believes in the fivefold ministry and teamwork. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to interview him and to experience firsthand his enthusiasm and desire to see souls saved.

This interview was originally published in French on Info Chrétienne.

Can you tell us about when you first met Jesus?

As a 22 year old, I was a soldier in the Rhodesian Light Infantry and had been involved in fighting against terrorism for 2 years. On the 1st of February 1977 we were ambushed and I was shot through the head with an AK 47 assault rifle. The bullet went through both sides of my brain and I died. What happened next would drastically change my life…

I experienced physical death, whereby my spirit left my body. I saw my life literally flash before me. I must have been out of my body for approximately 28 minutes as I have been told the contact lasted 28 minutes. I was casualty evacuated by helicopter and hospitalised for more than a year. I was told I would never walk, talk, write and maybe never see again. It was a time of extreme frustration, anger and even depression.

What really marked me was the experience with death, as I knew it was the most real thing in my life. I tried to explain it away in my mind but I could not, it was too real – I died! I spent the next 18 months searching for answers in all sorts of avenues, because I knew, one day, I would die again. I just wanted to know where, how, and who had the answers to my life.

In the time of searching I found myself in a rehabilitation centre for army guys who had been injured during the war. We were casually talking one afternoon about our different experiences and injuries. I always spoke openly about my injury and the fact that I had died as I was always looking for somebody to answer the question of life after death for me.

Little did I know that there was a medic listening to our conversation who would later come and engage me on this very topic. That evening he sat with me at the dinner table and started to share his conversion experience. We spoke for a couple of hours about Jesus, salvation, sin, life after death and many other things. That night I found myself broken, at the end of myself, and asking Jesus to please save my soul from sin. I fell into a beautiful sleep and the next morning when I woke up I knew I was a new creation. Everything was different. I had peace and joy in my heart for the first time ever. I had truly been born again!

What triggered and marked the beginning of your ministry?

The tremendous experience I had in the combat field, together with the powerful salvation I received, gave me a heart that was just on fire for the Lord. I wanted to reach whoever I could with the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ. I would share the gospel of my salvation to anyone who would hear it. I was on fire for Jesus and I could not stop speaking about the great things that He had done for me and in me. It was not long before I found myself preaching and sharing my testimony in hospitals, schools, prisons and all around Zimbabwe, South Africa and overseas. At this time, I had a very serious speech impairment due to my injury, however people got born again every time I shared. At times a whole school would just respond to Jesus.

We all know that life is full of ups and downs. Would you mind sharing one of your trials with us, and how you overcame it by God’s grace?

I am still disabled as a result of being shot. This has naturally made my life a great challenge. I married my dear wife, Kathy, two years after my conversion. We have two wonderful children who are married and serving the Lord. As a man, not being able to help and support your wife as much as you’d like in the house, with the kids and with everyday life has been probably one of the most difficult challenges and trials I’ve had to face. I got to the point where I had to accept my disability and experienced God’s grace in the midst of everything. This acceptance of my condition has truly been amazing grace as I am no longer fighting or resisting or arguing with myself and the Lord. I have been married for 36 wonderful years. There have been numerous ups and downs and challenges but the grace of God has kept us and has taken us through every one. To God be the Glory!

What is the greatest lesson you have learnt through your ministry?

The greatest lesson I have learnt is, that no matter how great the call of God on a man or woman, you are of no value to anyone unless you allow the Lord to deal with you, and to break your pride and independence. Without being broken by the Lord I was worthless to Him and His Church. As an independent ‘lone-ranger’ type evangelist, the grace of God came to me and enabled me to accept my place in a team and to allow people access to my life in a transparent manner. This has been the greatest protection for me, my family and the local church that I am part of.

Who is the person/people who have played a major role in your ministry?

This person is definitely a brother by the name of Miki Hardy. In the 1980’s I was part of a thriving church in Zimbabwe. The church was made up of a group of leaders, all of whom had great ministries and anointing on their lives. The church however was on the brink of collapsing as there was no unity in the leadership. Each one had his own vision and way of doing things. We found it impossible to work together as a team. Although I was working with other men, I felt so alone and was about to leave the church and start my own thing. It was at this time that the Lord orchestrated for me to meet Brother Miki Hardy who had come to our church. He brought the heart of the Lord and was a father to us all. His message was simple and clear. He preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified and the grace of God to enable us to follow Jesus. What transpired over the next few years was absolutely miraculous as the Gospel gained access to our hearts and lives. We found ourselves forgiving, loving and accepting one another. This was the fruit of the gospel that came from this wonderful man of God. We are still working together 28 years later, more unified than ever before. To God be the Glory once again for this great miracle!

What advice would you give to those who want to follow the same path as you?

Never think you can serve the Lord alone. The church is run by a team of elders who are submitted to one another and whose head is Christ. It’s true that some leaders will form part of the five fold ministry and have a larger role in preaching the gospel and equipping the saints for ministry, but even they must learn to work within a team.